Oil and the suburbs, that’s what this film is about. The End of Suburbia is a film that explores the history and future of suburban America. We are a nation that is dependent on foreign oil, but this was not always the case. When America was awash in its own oil resources the automobile was seen as a way to utilize this natural resource. The creation of the American suburbs was made possible by the car, and peak oil may be the end of it.
The film, The End of Suburbia, is a fascinating study of how the limited resource of oil an our culture of consumption may have vast and far reaching consequences on our future. Various scientists and futurist discuss how the quality of American life had declined due to suburban life and how it is likely to continue to do so because our lifestyles are not sustainable.
I would rank this a rent. It is a good film, but probably does not have a great deal of re-watch value. It is useful for any students or political scientists who are working on papers regarding our depleting natural resources, but is a little dry at times. Check it out.
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